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It all came from that one moment


"Welcome, to a small part of the pathetic story of my life. Which is enough self deprecation for this small intro, however, if you want stories to make you feel better, let me know and I’ll dig into my back catalog for more videos! 

The past 18(ish) months has been difficult and challenging for us all for so many reasons, and I don’t, in this video, claim to have it worse than anyone else - in fact I am still grateful that I did not actually break anything, so I am very aware of the privilege that is still afforded to me despite this series of unfortunate events. 

I am so grateful to Meshel and the team for giving me the opportunity to contribute this month in a new way, a new format, to tell a silly little story that will hopefully make you feel a bit better about your circumstances, or at least give you a giggle as we enter lockdown again. 

This video was definitely cathartic to make and you can watch the full thing in the link below.

Good news, I’m on the mend and my arm is semi-working again. Apologies for the EXTREMELY greasy hair, it’s very hard to wash your hair with one arm, or get your partner to help you while they solo parent as you wallow in self pity,"


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